Finding my way in the world and other adventures
Things just got tough

Things just got tough

It’s New Habit Monday!

The fish oil and probiotics stay in my bag of tricks, but it’s time to add something new. And I’ll tell ya, that something new isn’t going to be easy — we are tackling “eating slow”. Huh. Yea, I’m gonna have a problem with this one.

And first day, I’ve already flunked the new habit.  Work was stressful and chaotic — I barely took time to eat, and certainly didn’t register the food going down.  Once I got home, I got my workout done, but then the CFO of the company called me and so I’ve been working ever since.  Dinner?  I inhaled some chips and a piece of homemade pie that my Mom left for me (YUM!) and it wasn’t until I had nothing but crumbs left that I even realized that not only did I eat at warp speed, but I didn’t really even notice the food (such a shame because that peach pie is to die for!).

So – this will be a challenge for me.  PN suggests putting reminders everywhere — having your phone and computer pop up reminders every hour or so, putting post-in notes in the kitchen and stuff like that. I ought to tattoo the idea on my arms. Also – a good idea from one of my peers – eating left-handed! Of course, I’m pretty ambidextrous when eating chips, but with everything else that’ll really help.

Pressed for time tonight — need to get back to work — and need to get to bed — but figured I ought to ‘fess up while I had a minute… and tomorrow I’ll get right back at it. 


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