Finding my way in the world and other adventures


Over at my other online home — — I’ve had this graphic posted for the past month and I wanted to share here because I think it’s especially on target for what I’m trying to accomplish:

I’m still learning to trust the process, to take that leap not exactly knowing how this is all going to work.  The LE program very specifically does not tell you what’s coming in the future — I can only look at lessons 2 days in advance — so that we won’t spend any time worrying about the future.  They tell us:  trust us.  Trust that we’ve been successful for thousands of clients.  Trust that we’ve done our research.  Trust that we’re leading you in the right direction, even if you don’t see results at this early point.

It’s hard sometimes, but I’m going along with it.  It’s not like what I’ve done has ever worked long term, so it’s time to trust someone other than me, right?