Finding my way in the world and other adventures
Pizza and a smile

Pizza and a smile

For the month of January, I’ve committed to posting every day, having accepted the 30-day challenge.
This is day 7 of 30.

Just a short vignette for today — something I forgot to put in my race report from the other day that absolutely deserves to be memorialized.

An 11am start would normally mean not being in a rush, but I opted to sleep in and was laid back to the point of running late (though, for what it’s worth, my late is most people’s 30 minutes early). My eye caught the digital clock on the microwave changing over to 9am and with a start, my built-in, can’t-change-it sense of scheduling kicked into gear and I knew I had to leave. Like, NOW.

I hurriedly took Belle out for a quick walk, came back in, grabbed a Diet Pepsi and then scanned the refrigerator for something to eat since my stomach was already growling and I still had 4 hours before I’d be eating anything else. Because of the holidays, there wasn’t much in the “grab and go” category available, but then my gaze landed on the perfect pre-race meal: cold pizza.

Having no other options, I grabbed a slice and headed out in my little Mazda. It’s 9am on New Year’s Day and I’m sitting at a stop light, bundled up, eating my pizza and bopping around to the music on the radio (or shivering from the cold … it’s all kind of the same thing). Because it’s a double turn lane, I checked to my left to see if there was another car there — and there is. A lovely older woman in the passenger seat saw me, this HUGE smile on her face, mimed eating and then gave me two very enthusiastic thumbs up. Confirmation of an awesome choice.

That totally made my morning. What a great way to start out the year, right?

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