Finding my way in the world and other adventures
I lied.

I lied.

So, sue me.  I’m going back on my word.  Wanna know what I did this morning?

I registered for the Chicago Marathon.

Yup, I am going to do one race this season and train for it in the right way, hoping to accomplish what’s been kept out of my reach so far:  my best effort at the marathon distance.

I’m coming back to do Chicago for a number of reasons.  First and foremost, though, is because of the incredible amount of local support – crowds line the streets throughout the entire course, cheering you on whether they know you or not.  And having friends on the sidelines is the best thing ever.  When I did Chicago two years ago, I spent the last 10 miles of the race doing nothing but looking forward to seeing a friendly face to boost my spirit and give me the kick in the butt that I needed to cross the finish line instead of just laying down on the sidewalk and napping.

(Maybe this time even my parents will put their cruise plans on hold for me!  Oh, I’m just kidding.  I would never ask them to rearrange their vacation plans just to be there for me on October 11, 2009.  Their oldest daughter. Their favorite oldest daughter.  No, I wouldn’t do that.  Right, Mom and Dad?  I mean, just because you guys are retired and could vacation ANY TIME you wanted doesn’t mean you have to be home for my marathon on October 11, 2009.  No, really, you don’t.  Really.)

And the second reason: I know everyone’s sick of hearing me talk about how I don’t like to do the long training on my own and since Chicago is not only local but HUGE, there are a ton of different training groups. Not only can I do my long runs with a group, but weekday runs, too, if I so choose.  After doing some research, I think I’m probably going to join up with Illinois Runs since they’ve got training groups out in the ‘burbs.  Not only will they be convenient to train with, but on race day they’ve got a private tent with THEIR OWN PORTA-POTTIES.  Wow.  Does life get any better than that?  

So, come mid-June I’ll be back at it again.  But, just one race.  And just running.  And then I can be done with this whole crazy marathon stuff.  Honest!


  1. Julie

    Don’t worry, your little sister was there and was up at the crack of dawn!!! I will try to be there again..and if mom and dad decide to stay in town… I will ride with them…

    Well I knew you would not last without doing a race or two… it is in you… you never give up!


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