Finding my way in the world and other adventures
Getting Older

Getting Older

Ways I know that I’m getting older: 

  1. The snap, crackle and POP! that certainly isn’t breakfast cereal. 
  2. Walking into rooms and wondering why I’m there. 
  3. More often than not saying, Why yes, 4:30pm seems like a perfect time for dinner! 
  4. Running a 10 minute mile seems like something that lives in another universe. 
  5. I love me some politics on TV and news radio is my new Top 40 hits. 
  6. All people under the age of 30 looks like they’re approximately 13 years old. 
  7. It’s possible that I’ve actually said, in a non-ironic way, “GET OFF MY LAWN!”  
  8. I can legitimately say to some colleagues, “Oh my, you’re half my age….” 
  9. Soon, the AARP enrollment forms won’t be something I can just laugh at and toss away. 
  10. A exponential increase in the number of “um, ma’am?” questions that come my way. 

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