Finding my way in the world and other adventures
Category: <span>race</span>

Happy Dance

This race report is about, oh, a year in coming, but I figured you deserved to know.  You’ve been waiting a year, right? So, without further ado, my Chicago Marathon 2011 race report: The day …


Why are things so difficult sometimes? I was just telling a friend about how it is when you get in a good groove:  everything’s easy, the decisions are like second nature.  It’s as though your …


Just in case you hadn’t noticed, I’m kind of a goal-oriented person (can I be nominated for Understatement of the Year yet?).  I NEED something out there to work towards.  Because otherwise?  Yea, I don’t …

Here we go again

Another year comes, another resolution to be better about keeping up with this blog.  But, I really, really mean it this time.  Really! 2010 — despite my silence — went out with a bang for …

Hal made me do it

So, after a month or so of just doing easy base miles, I’m now 3 weeks deep into Hal Higdon‘s advanced half marathon plan. You read that right:  the advanced plan.  Now, as I’ve said …


In the midst of my internet meanderings, I came across a daily motivational quote on potential, and in the middle of it were these two sentences: “Think of all the things, once considered to be …

Holiday Plans

So, where were we? Let me summarize my life the past few months (since I’ve been alarmingly absent from this venue for awhile)… Chicago Marathon training.  YAY! Ankle injury.  No training at all.  BOO. Vegas …