Finding my way in the world and other adventures
Category: <span>training</span>


Why are things so difficult sometimes? I was just telling a friend about how it is when you get in a good groove:  everything’s easy, the decisions are like second nature.  It’s as though your …

By the wayside

A triathlete friend of mine recently pulled me aside and asked me, point blank:  “so, are you even a triathlete anymore?  Or have you become a complete wuss and given up on the sport?” Well, …


Just in case you hadn’t noticed, I’m kind of a goal-oriented person (can I be nominated for Understatement of the Year yet?).  I NEED something out there to work towards.  Because otherwise?  Yea, I don’t …

Hal made me do it

So, after a month or so of just doing easy base miles, I’m now 3 weeks deep into Hal Higdon‘s advanced half marathon plan. You read that right:  the advanced plan.  Now, as I’ve said …


In the midst of my internet meanderings, I came across a daily motivational quote on potential, and in the middle of it were these two sentences: “Think of all the things, once considered to be …