Finding my way in the world and other adventures
Everything or Nothing in Moderation

Everything or Nothing in Moderation

I have to admit, I’m not good at moderation. I desperately want to be, but it’s never seemed to be in my wheelhouse. A little means more, and more means all. It’s zero to sixty in one fell swoop for me. 

It’s why I’m really good at restricting food and totally swearing off something. It’s also why I’ve got superpower abilities to binge eat once something triggers me to fall of the wagon. I don’t just fall off the wagon, I knock it over and firebomb it into oblivion until there’s no wagon left.  

Which is how I ended up with this “Let’s do 5 days of Orange Theory in a row!” challenge to myself. I figured that it would be easier for me to do something every day rather than doing something three times a week.  

And it’s working (which is both good and bad, I suppose). It’s Thursday night and all I have to do is drag my weary body to class tomorrow and I’ll have accomplished my goal. 

The upside to doing this every day? My body never gets enough chance to rest so that I get too sore to move (DOMS is the enemy of all new exercisers!). The downside, of course, is that I feel like constantly napping with an Advil drip hanging off my arm. 

But I’m still moving. So it’s a net positive?  

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