Finding my way in the world and other adventures
Does moving boxes count as a workout?

Does moving boxes count as a workout?

I hope so, because that’s been the bulk of my physical activity the last two months or so.

Which seems like a long time to be using that as an excuse for not training, doesn’t it?  And even LESS of an excuse for not blogging, I suppose.

But – it’s what I’m going with.  I’ve never claimed creative excuses as my strong suit!

My life’s been all manner of chaos for awhile, and just seems to now be settling down into a new normal, a new routine — something that I’ve been desperately waiting for.

I’ve got my old house rented out, so there are no more trips back out there to check up on it, which I’ve appreciated.

My (human) roommate has been moved in for almost 2 months now and we’ve managed to not only not kill each other, but actually co-exist pretty well.

And I’m slated to get my new (doggie) roommate on Tuesday!

So – everything’s falling into place.

This weekend will be the final push to get everything unpacked — I had gotten around to everything that I needed on a day-to-day basis, but had gotten tired and mostly bored with the process once that had been accomplished.  But this weekend?  I’ll be a an Unpacking Whirling Dervish!

I figure I should — even in the midst of the cardboard and bubble wrap flying! — be able to cobble some workouts together this weekend (if for no other reason than to have a legitimate excuse to not be unpacking for a bit).  And then starting next week?  At it full-time, with gusto, zeal and a resolve not seen around in here months.

And my 4-legged roomie-to-be is an energetic tyke:  she should force me outside even if I don’t exactly feel like it.

That’s the plan.  Just trying to get it done.  Yet again.



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