Finding my way in the world and other adventures


Just a short note today…

I’m proud of myself.  I got home from work today feeling lazy and tired — a typical Monday.  And instead of getting right out to run, I took what used to be the path of no return:  I sat down on the couch and started watching TV.  

I watched a little of the Ellen show, then an episode of Inkmaster (I’m not sure why I’m so hooked on this show!) and started an episode of The Voice when I decided that I ought to make the turkey tenderloin that I had planned to make (usually it’s not just training that goes by the wayside once I get sucked into the couch, it’s any type of cooking dinner as well).  

And so I got the turkey ready (new recipe!) and in the oven.  And then I thought, “Well, I have about 80 minutes.  I should get my run in.”  

And I did.

I ran.  When I didn’t want to.  And it was good.  Gorgeous outside — nice and cool and sunny — and I’m so glad that I got out there.

Whodda thunk it?